Sommersemester 2017 (19 Lectures)
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Prof. Dr. Michael Brenner; Prof. Dr. Bernd Huber; Dr. Navid Kermani; Dr. h.c. Charlotte Knobloch; Dr. Rachel Salamander; Dr. Josef Schuster; Prof. Dr. Yfaat Weiss; Prof. Dr. Mirjam Zadoff
Latest session: Festvortrag: Auschwitz morgen. Über die Zukunft des Erinnerns recorded on 06.07.2017
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Prof. Christian List, PhD
Latest session: Levels: Descriptive, Explanatory, and Ontological recorded on 31.05.2017
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
PD Dr. Stephan Böse-O'Reilly; Sascha Gabizon; Dr. Seifu Hagos Gebreyesus; Prof. Dr. Damen Haile-Mariam; Dr. Muchtaruddin Mansyur; Dr. Hans-Guido Mücke; Dr. Asha Pun
Latest session: Resilient health systems in the changing climate in Sub-Saharan Africa recorded on 11.03.2017
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Prof. Dr. Marcus Spies
Latest session: Cluster Analysis Overview (Forts.) // Übersicht und Rekapitulation recorded on 19.07.2017
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Marius Bernhardt, M.A.; Prof. Dr. Hartmut Ditton; Prof. Dr. Thomas Eckert; Dr. Elena Gaertner, M.A.; Dr. Werner H. Hopf; Prof. Dr. Reinhard Markowetz; Prof. Dr. Rudolf Tippelt; Michael Wallies; Prof. Dr. Sabine Walper; Prof. Dr. Natalia Wächter
Latest session: Klausurinformationen // Pädagogische Anthropologie und Geschichte der Pädagogik recorded on 24.07.2017
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Prof. Dr. Christian Böhm; Dominik Mautz
Latest session: Kapitel 4: Data Mining (Teil 3) recorded on 19.07.2017
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Kathrin Buyse; Dr. Angela Guadatiello; Prof. Dr. Ewald Kiel; Dr. Thomas Lerche
Latest session: Innovieren // Hinweise zur Klausur recorded on 18.07.2017
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Dr. Bettina Gräf; Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaplony
Latest session: Der Fernsehsender al-Jazeera recorded on 12.07.2017
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Prof. Dr. Peter Adamson; Anthony Appiah; Franz Berto; Pierre Jacob; Rae Langton; Prof. Christian List, PhD; Anna-Sofia Maurin; Serena Olsaretti; Sonia Roca-Royes; Elliott Sober; Helen Steward; Paul Égré
Latest session: Parental Partiality and Equality: A Reconciliation recorded on 25.08.2017
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Carola Hirner, M.A.; Marisa Müsing; PD Dr. Nic. Nistor
Latest session: Instruktion und Unterrichtsqualität (Aufz. vom 19.05.2016) recorded on 01.06.2017
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Philipp Herkenhoff; Prof. Dr. Dalia Marin
Latest session: Wachstum // Ökonomische Aspekte der digitalen Wirtschaft recorded on 14.07.2017
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Prof. Catherine Beavis, PhD; Prof. Bill Cope, PhD; Prof. Mary Kalantzis, PhD; Prof. Dr. Gunther Kress
Latest session: A grammar of multimodality recorded on 15.03.2017
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Ulrike Franke, M.A.; PD Dr. Nic. Nistor; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maximilian Sailer
Latest session: Klausurvorbereitung recorded on 19.07.2017
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Prof. Dr. Francois Bry
Latest session: Probeklausur 2 - Aufgaben, Lösungen und Bewertungen recorded on 24.07.2017
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Prof. Dr. Marcus Spies
Latest session: Wiederholung Klausurrelevanter Themen recorded on 25.07.2017
Restricted Access:
Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Prof. Kamal Dib, PhD; Prof. Dr. Burkhard Gniewosz; Prof. Dr. Natalia Wächter
Latest session: Sozialisationsbereich Peers 2: Jugendkulturen, Gender und Politik recorded on 12.07.2017
Restricted Access:
Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Prof. Dr. Shahram Azizi Ghanbari
Latest session: Bildung und lebenslanges Lernen recorded on 19.07.2017
Restricted Access:
Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Prof. Dr. Helmut Küchenhoff
Latest session: Bayes-Statistik recorded on 18.07.2017
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2017
Maria Pilar Agustin-Llach; Teresa Barberio; Cedric Batailler; Dr. Ellen Bialystok, OC, PhD, FRSC; Jean-Pierre Chevrot; Barbara De Cock; Sabine De Knop; Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer; Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kasper; Iwona Barbara Lech; Lisa Niederdorfer; Caroline Rossi; Inesa Sahakyan; Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Schmid; Ferran Suner; Irina Tomak; Prof. Dr. Marjolijn Verspoor; Seda Yilmaz Woerfel
Latest session: Thinking, Doing and Learning in L2 Development: A dynamic usage based perspective recorded on 21.04.2017