Sommersemester 2018 (17 Lectures)
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Prof. Dr. Marcus Spies
Latest session: Übersicht und Rekapitulation recorded on 04.07.2018
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Organized by the Department of Jewish History and Culture at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, co-sponsored by the Program in Critical Theory, University of California at Berkeley.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Peter E. Gordon; Martin E. Jay
Latest session: Further Adventures of the Dialectic of Counter-Enlightenment: Cultural Marxism, Political Correctness and the Demonization of Critical Theory (nur Audio) recorded on 30.05.2018
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Christian Bauer; Marius Bernhardt, M.A.; Philipp Brader; Christin Böttcher; Prof. Dr. Hartmut Ditton; Prof. Dr. Thomas Eckert; Dipl.-Psych. Alexandra Hauser; Patricia Kadlec; Prof. Dr. Reinhard Markowetz; Prof. Dr. Rudolf Tippelt; Prof. Dr. Sabine Walper; Prof. Dr. Natalia Wächter
Latest session: Informationen zur Klausur recorded on 09.07.2018
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Kathrin Buyse; Dr. Angela Guadatiello; Prof. Dr. Ewald Kiel; Dr. Thomas Lerche
Latest session: Diagnostizieren (Forts.) // Beraten // Hinweise zur Klausur recorded on 03.07.2018
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaplony
Latest session: 8.Der Einbezug der Außenseiter: die Mystik-Handbücher recorded on 30.05.2018
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Dr. Matthias Stadler; PD Dr. Karsten Stegmann
Latest session: Metaanalyse recorded on 25.06.2018
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
PD Dr. Nic. Nistor
Latest session: Lernen in Gruppen recorded on 07.06.2018
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Dr. Daniela Kiening; Dana Marks, M.A.; Prof. Dr. Andreas Mayer
Latest session: Kinder mit sekundären Sprachentwicklungsstörungen in Therapie und Unterricht / Spracherwerb unter besonderen Bedingungen recorded on 28.04.2018
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Florian Buettner; Dr. Denis Krompaß; Volker, Tresp
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schubert
Latest session: Chapter 9: Artificial Intelligence (cont.) recorded on 03.07.2018
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Ulrike Franke, M.A.; PD Dr. Nic. Nistor; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maximilian Sailer
Latest session: Pädagogisch-Psychologische Aspekte (3) Feedback und Evaluation recorded on 04.07.2018
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Prof. Dr. Marcus Spies
Latest session: Wiederholung und Klausurvorbereitung recorded on 10.07.2018
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Prof. Dr. Thomas Eckert
Latest session: Analyseformen und -erweiterungen recorded on 03.07.2018
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Ditton
Latest session: Grundlagen der Mehrebenenanalyse (Forts.) recorded on 11.07.2018
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Only for authorized members of the LMU.
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Herr Prof. Dr. Hans G. Kippenberg; Herr Prof. Dr. Jürgen Manemann; Herr Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Palaver
Latest session: Warum ziehen junge Europäer in den Krieg? recorded on 12.06.2018
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Prof. Dr. Burkhard Gniewosz; Prof. Dr. Barbara Wolf; Prof. Dr. Natalia Wächter
Latest session: Sozialisationsbereich Peers 2: Jugendkulturen, Gender und Politik recorded on 27.06.2018
Lecture term: Sommersemester 2018
Prof. Dr. Shahram Azizi Ghanbari; Prof. Dr. Barbara Wolf
Latest session: Bewältigungskonstellationen im Jugendalter (Forts.) // Lebenslanges Lernen (LLL) recorded on 27.06.2018